Each month, JC Supercars surprises a single mom in need with the gift of a reliable car. Our goal is to give away one car per week!
Cars Given Away To Date!
Justine’s Story
“About 8 years ago I was in a horrible situation. I was being abused everyday. I was beaten, bruised, and hopeless. My abuser sold my 2004 Ford Mustang to a shady abandoned title place for $500 and I was unable to get it back. It wasn’t the money that he did it for, he was trying to keep me immobile. He would continue to do things to keep me isolated and unable to leave him until he no longer could. Today just a few blocks away from the spot my car was taken from me I was given the keys to my very own Toyota Camry. I had no idea when I woke up this morning that my family would receive such an amazing blessing. I had no idea 8 years ago that I would even be alive today. I thought surely he would kill me or maybe I would just kill myself to escape. We can’t always see a light at the end of the tunnel. The sun doesn’t always shine through the rain. We will never know what can happen though unless we keep going. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for all the hell I went through in the past.
The car was generously given to me by a local garage, JCSupercars, that teamed up with my scholarship foundation I was accepted into last year. I would not appreciate all this as much if I had not been through so many hardships.
Don’t give up, there’s a world of possibilities and opportunities just waiting for you.”
– Justine